Former Bills FB Corey Knox: Exclusive Interview

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Corey Knox
Corey Knox /

BuffaLowDown: If there is one thing you could say to an NFL GM or scout that is looking for a fullback, what message would you convey to them.

Corey: I’ve thought a million times about it if I ever get the chance to see Rex in public and what I would say to him. If I could get in front of NFL GM’s and say a couple of lines about what I think I can bring it would be that I don’t think anyone wants it more than me. I would die for it. I am not afraid to die for it. I’m not afraid to give it everything I have. I don’t care about money. If I cared about money I would have stopped chasing this dream a long time ago and just started working.

I would have made more money than I have right now [doing something else]. I would get into something other than this because I am 26 right now and still going after it. I would die for it. I would go above and beyond what anyone would ever do to get a chance and I think that part and that mindset is more valuable than any other skill a player can possess.

Most of the time guys that are skilled don’t have it. You get your rare breed that has incredible skill and that type of mentality and work ethic but I think at the end of the day I just about outwork any guy standing next to me and I’ll prove that and I’m not afraid to die for it.

Next: What is Corey's typical day like?