Former Bills FB Corey Knox: Exclusive Interview

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Corey Knox
Corey Knox /

BuffaLowDown: One last question, for an athlete such as yourself, what is your typical day like?

Corey: For me right now, I do personal training clients in the morning. I get up pretty early, I train my people at about 11 or 12. I get some food in me and then I go and train. My training will consist of sprint work, agility work, strength work, heavy bench press, heavy squats, heavy deadlifts, box jumps, speed squats, speed bench. There is a whole system I use called “Westside Conjugate”. I’ve been using it since I was a freshman in college and it’s really helped me become a better athlete and the strongest athlete I can be.

After that, typically I’ll pound some food. I eat a ton. It’s ridiculous. That’s what I spend most of my money on. Just constantly fueling my body with good food. It’s expensive to do that but it’s totally worth it. So I’ll usually stuff my face after that. At about 3, I’ll start my group training sessions out at the gym I told you about called Sports Training Academy, in Sahlen’s Sports Complex. I train groups of athletes there from 3pm until about 8pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and I do some Saturday sessions there are well.

My days are pretty full, sometimes at the end of the days I’ll get in a recovery workout when I am done just to get in some extra stuff that I know I need to get my body stronger. I am big on building on my weaknesses, my programming is based on getting myself stronger and faster. I work on all my weaknesses and just try to continue to get better. My weekdays are pretty full but on the weekends, I try to balance it out and go socialize and hang out with friends. I’m not the kind of guy who is locked in my basement and doing curls or anything like that.

I train really hard throughout the week and I train really hard on the weekends but I also know that having some sort of social life is a healthy balance. So I like to hang out with my friends and hang out with my family so that’s pretty much what I’m doing right now.

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