Forget Misery! Alternate Buffalo Bills timeline ends the curse and brings glory

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What could have been for the Buffalo Bills from 2008-2016

2008-2014: The Bills only win that one championship under Marvin Lewis and at the end of the 2014 season he and the Bills part ways. The 2007 season was magic. Maybe more than magic, it was lightning in a bottle. Unfortunately, you can't catch lightning in a bottle twice. The playoffs were just a mixed bag of results. Marvin Lewis brought the Bills to only one more AFC Championship game in these years. The defense lost players to free agency and retirements. The magic was gone and everyone knew it was time for a change.

2015: The Buffalo Bills and GM Doug Whaley, on the advice of Russ Brandon, hire Rex Ryan to replace Marvin Lewis as head coach. Ryan didn’t get to enjoy much of Drew Brees as Brees suffers another shoulder injury in the beginning of the 2015 season. This would prove to be Drew Brees’ final time suiting up for the Bills as he retires at the end of the season. The season, however, is a lost one. The Bills do alright to salvage the season as Tyrod Taylor keeps them afloat but they miss the playoffs.

2016: This season is much of the same as 2015. However, Rex Ryan is not fired during the season; the Bills wait until the end of the season and dismiss Rex Ryan. This would mark the end of Rex Ryan’s coaching career. It also is the end of the Russ Brandon and Doug Whaley brain trust as owner Terry Pegula wants a renewed focus to building a culture.