These are the top five cornerbacks for the Buffalo Bills over the past 40 years
In the Buffalo Bills history, they have never truly had a stand out shut down cornerback. The Bills have had plenty of cornerbacks to earn Pro Bowl nods and All Pro selections, but none that are obvious Hall of Famers. This makes the ranking of the Top 5 cornerbacks in the teams’ history much more difficult.
When trying to answer the question of who are the top cornerbacks in franchise history there have been some players who have gone on to have great careers after they have left the team or prior to joining the Buffalo Bills. This list is only going to focus on the players who had played at a top level while with the Bills.
The categories with the most importance will be those that focus on coverage ability and that players’ average per season, such as passes defensed and interceptions. The average per season is an important factor because it mitigates the issue of simply finding which player has the most total interceptions for example. Totals hinder the ability to evaluate a players’ true impact to the Bills during their seasons with the team.
This list is less about ranking the best cornerbacks to ever be rostered on the Bills but much more their contributions to the team and their impact while on the team.