We take a look at how the Buffalo Bills have been rated over the past 20 years in Madden.
Everyone enjoys a game of Madden right? There is no better feeling than leading your team to the Super Bowl in franchise mode, or being able to play as some of your favorite players and rack up their stats. Every year a new edition of John Madden Football is released with updated rosters to keep up with the current NFL teams. Players get moved around and team overall get changed with each new addition to the franchise.
I thought it would be interesting to see how the Buffalo Bills’ team overall rating changed over the past 20 years along with who the highest rated players for the Bills were. Also how the Bills actually did that year compared to what their overall said that they would do.
*All Madden stats from maddenratings.weebly.com
Madden 2000
The Buffalo Bills’ team rating was a 89 in Madden 2000, which is the highest rating that they are going to have though this entire list. To think about the Bills’ roster 20 years ago seem so long ago Wade Phillips was the head coach, we just selected Antonie Winfield in the first round. And our Quarterback depth chart was Doug Flutie, Rob Johnson, and Alex Van Pelt. The Bills finished the season with a 11-5 record which was second in the AFC East.