In case you missed the news today, the Buffalo Bills re-signed Marcus Thigpen and cut Denarius Moore and Dan Herron. This can only be in response to Leodis McKelvin‘s second abominable fumble in as many Monday Night encounters with the New England Patriots in Foxboro, Massachusetts.
This led to New England kicking a field goal and making it a 20-10 game, allowing themselves to keep their distance and defeat the Bills yet again in the national spotlight. Now, after the McKelvin fumble, fans do what they always do after something does not go their way; they took to social media to complain about it.
Except, what they were doing wasn’t just aimlessly whining and saying that “The Bills suck” or “Rex Ryan needs to be fired.” They were tweeting at Marcus Thigpen on the social media outlet, saying that he needs to come back to Buffalo and that everybody wants him back (Personally, if you have a kickoff specialist on the roster, you can make room for a return specialist. He’s that good).
Fans tweeted away and Thigpen did not just stand around and watch these roll in. He retweeted almost every single one of them. Now, was he doing it to antagonize the Bills organization because he got a raw deal? Well, maybe or maybe not. But what we do know is that the support poured out, and he sent the same love back to Bills Mafia. Don’t believe me?
So, while in this day and age social media is a place for fans and athletes/celebrities to connect, it is also a place to air out grievances or to settle those bones you have to pick with people. Clearly, Thigpen did not take this route. Instead, he retweeted and even replied to some of the fan support, showing that even if he was shown the door in a bad place, he handled it with class and is ready to provide a sorely missed impact on this Bills’ return unit.
The Bills’ need for a returner was apparent. Whether social media had something to do with this is an interesting topic to discuss. Buffalo could’ve gotten anybody they wanted, but they got the guy who their fans outpoured their support to. Did they have an effect on this? I would say that realistically, probably not. But I wouldn’t rule out the possibility.