Terry Pegula Will Make Some Changes, But Who Should Go First?


Things at One Bills Drive may never be the same, and hopefully Terry Pegula makes sure that is the case. The Bills are in need of a different front office, and changes are rumored to be already in the works. But, who will go first? It could be everyone, or there may only be a few small changes. It doesn’t really matter all that much to me who is fired. This team was an offensive mess and a defensive juggernaut.  The two side couldn’t coexist.

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Nathaniel Hackett

Hackett say he didn’t have the right quarterback to run the kind of offense he wants. Sir, you are a NFL coach. You need to adapt to your players. I will give Hackett some credit. He did change his playbook when Kyle Orton came in. But, he was still unable to put a product on the field that looked anything close to a NFL offense.

Doug Marrone

The man is who most people thought he was; Conservative, and a little odd. He doesn’t seem to have a risk taking bone and his constant play it safe attitude is more than aggravating. The plus side to Marrone is his team has improved. If Marrone goes so will Hackett. My hope is if Terry Pegula retains Marrone he will make it known that there needs to be more aggressive calls and a different overall feel to how the Bills play football.

Pat Morris

Sir, I fully understand you only have one year left on your contract and maybe you will not look for another NFL job after that, but this offensive line is your baby and it stinks. They are big and slow and that doesn’t really fit today’s NFL. If I had to guess Morris will be gone no matter what. The Bills do not have a talented enough offense to support such  weak O-Line play. I’m willing to say the talent is not there to work with, but Morris has been around long enough to be expected to get something out of nothing.

Doug Whaley

Coaches’ aside the biggest problem in the Bills front office may be Whaley. The man has made a complete mess out if the Bills draft board, and has nothing to show for the first round picks he has been in charge of. Yes, I saying Sammy Watkins was not worth two first round picks. The kid is great, but there was enough talent on the board that Whaley did not need to mortgage the future for a wide receiver. Let’s not forget that the Bills also spent a first round pick on the benched EJ Manuel. Yet another waste of a draft pick. Whaley may be okay at the business side of things, but the man doesn’t belong within 50 yards of the war-room or crafting a football team.

Mr. Pegula has a lot of thinking to do and some of his vision may start taking shape as soon as tomorrow morning. The Bills are no closer to winning the Super Bowl as they were 15 years ago, and it’s time someone steps up and rips this thing apart. The only way I see anything changing is if all of the above are gone. After all unless the Bills and Terry Pegula find a real QB next year will be more of the same.