One thing I always try to make a point of doing is calling it like I see it, not how I’d like for things to be but how I honestly believe to be when I asses them. I look at it as a waste of everyone’s time to do it any other way and not only that it detaches you from reality to pretend things are there when you know they’re not.
So with that being the blue print used by yours truly the title of this article really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Let me first establish this very important point. I love almost every aspect of Ryan Fitzpatrick, his guts, mobility, his fire (something that was sorely lacking at the position for some time), and his will (to at least try) to win.
Now the downside – he lacks the arm strength needed to maximize Gailey’s offense to it’s fullest potential. I saw signs of this early on and I had hoped I was wrong about it but from what I’ve seen lately I see I wasn’t. He knows his arm isn’t strong which is why he’s not accurate on his intermediate throws. Weak-armed quaterbacks tend to guide their passes when attempting to throw into tight windows. Trying in fact so hard to compensate for their lack of a true (no pun intended) rifle they end up either sailing passes high or throwing at the feet of wide receivers.
Sound familiar Bills Fans? I mean we’ve seen this far to many times before right? It’s painful to watch Steve Johnson shake a defender out of his cleats and not know if he can turn on the after burners because of doubts as to whether or not his quaterback can get him the ball. One only has to point to the Giants game for a perfect example of the point I’m attempting to make. Losing by 3 points in a game were at least two passes if thrown correctly could have gone for touch downs makes you put the reality of the topic at hand in prospective! Meaning you this would only continue and not get any better, that our search for a quaterback most likely isn’t over! The proof’s in the play people! Look at the recent debacle in San Diego, (new Bills WR) Derek Hagan had his defnder in his rea view mirror by about two steps, all Fitzpatrick had to do was fire the pass out in front of him and that’s a touchdown! You know what ended up happening, and granted it should’ve been pass inteference but if he throws the football far enough you don’t need a flag to bail you out!! Amish Riffle Or Amish Cap Gun??
At this point and time can we really still refer to this guy as a rifle, can we afford not to peek at the crop of quaterbacks that will be available in the upcoming 2012 NFL Draft? Right about now these are fair questions that somebody has to be gutsy enough to ask and if need be I’ll be that somebody!! A weak arm and small hands are a bad combination for a quaterback anywhere in this league but it’s especially bad for one in Buffalo! You all remember Hall Of Famer Jim Kelly right a.k.a. “Machine Gun” Kelly? You remember how in spite of high, blistery cold winds he fired passes deep and from sideline to sideline with ease? Now that’s an arm, that’s a guy worthy of his nick name! I like the spread offense and I believe with the right quaterback Chan Gailey can field a prolific attack in Buffalo, I believe that so much so I suggest the Bills at least consider drafting Heisman Trophy winning quaterback Robert Griffin III! That’s right RG3, at 6’2 220 with sprinters speed and a lively arm he may be just what the doctor ordered! That’s a bigger, stronger, Michael Vick caliber athelete people! Could the Bills honestly not draft him if the opportunity’s there? I’m not saying this is their only option but it’s a darn good option, one that I think would prove to be better than their current option. I asked the question in the title “Amish Riffle Or Amish Cap Gun”, well if the proof is in the play I’d say it’s time to put the “(Amish) Riffle” away!!