Time To Get Crazy

OK, the first Bills win. Whew. I’m glad that’s out of the way. But how do they get another?

Chan Gailey needs to dig deeper in the playbook…all the way to the back of the book where the pages are crumpled up and browning. It’s time for some trickery. Do what no one is expecting. The Bills have been so offensively inept (plug those words in in either direction) for so long, it’s high time we hit some unsuspecting team with a good blind side. Recall that just last year the Bills didn’t even use motion? Really?

Remember the scrubs? The option being run in the NFL? Why not? More flea-flickers? Run’em. Hook and ladder? Let’s do it. Double reverse? Triple reverse? I’d like to see three or four per game. Freddy Jackson throwing to Ryan Fitzpatrick? Light it up.

The Bills are learning to be a decent football team but fans want excitement! If we’re going to lose, let’s do it in style! We’ve got the first W out of the way now let’s have some fun! No more wondering if the Bills will match the ineptitude of the 2008 Lions…they’ve cleared that hurdle (barely).

Sitting this past Sunday at the Ralph in the wind and rain, I found myself getting more and more frustrated at the playing-not-to-lose mentality that I saw coming from the Bills. I just could not believe it. One of the gents I was sitting with said, in the third quarter, that the game would come down to a two point conversion. Low and behold, it did.

That game could have been fun. It could have been even more of a Freddy Jackson show. Since Fitz hurt his hand, why not let Fred throw the ball to Stevie Johnson? I’d wager that pass when Stevie was open in the end zone would have been another six points and the cold, wet fans would have had another opportunity to scream and yell thus heating up the bones just a bit.

But that’s not the way it worked out. The Bills chose to go with a ‘please, God, don’t let us lose this game’ approach. Since they won, they’ll probably do this in the coming weeks as well.

Me? I’d rather see more gambles. Let’s see the whacky. Let’s see if we can light a score-board up and have the opposing coach refuse to shake Chan’s hand a la Todd Haley. Nothing could make the hoard at One Bills Drive happier on a cold, wet day.
